Agape Love Poem
All knees bow down to love,
The purest form from above.
God is love, the ultimate guide,
Without it, only tolerance resides.
Agape love, selfless and true,
A force that binds me and you.
In its embrace, we find peace,
And all our worries and fears cease.
Let us cherish this love divine,
And let it in our hearts entwine.
For in its, we find our way,
And in its light, we see a brighter day.
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Lake Forrest is a place where you can reap the benefits of the Lord's teachings. If you feel moved to give back, we encourage you to make a donation today. Your contribution will help us continue to spread word and bless others. Remember, it makes sense to sew where you have reaped.
Thank you for your support!
It is Personal
​We understand that life can be challenging, and sometimes it feels like the world is against us. Our team of dedicated volunteers is here to support you through those tough times with open arms and a kind smile. Your generous donations can help us continue to provide this much-needed support to those in need. Together, we can make difference and bring hope to those who need it most.
Community Support
We believe that helping people is the most important part of our job. God's chosen ones, we are called to clothe ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness and patience. So if you feel that God is speaking to your heart today, we invite you to give a donation to support our mission of caring for those in need. Remember, life is more important than food, and the body is more important clothes.
Thank you for taking the time to read my message. As a faith-based writer, I believe in the power of giving back to the community. That's why I encourage you to consider donating and tithing to the best church handpicked by the Lord. Giving with a pure heart can bring joy and blessings to your life. My name is Kimberly McNamee, and I am the co-founder of Lake Forrest Church. We started this church after years of building a company together, and we are passionate about serving our community.
As co-founders of this church my future husband and I have a shared passion for serving the Lord and our community. Before getting engaged, he ventured into various businesses, including restaurants, real estate, and technology. I am a spiritual genius and the bride of God. Our shared addiction is the Lord, and we are committed to taking our church from a blog and community into a physical building and location. If our Agape Love Poem spoke to your heart, we would be grateful for your support. Your donation and tithes mean the world to us and will help us continue to spread the love of God.
We are grateful for all of your support, including your purchases from my Messiah Clothing Line. As we continue to grow and serve our community, we ask that you consider giving back by donating and tithing to the church where Jesus spends time. Your support and attention to detail make Lake Forrest Church the perfect place for Jesus to rest and relax. We also ask for your vote in the upcoming 2025 run for Mayor of Gaithersburg. Vote for change. Vote for Vyas. Thank you again for your support and love.

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Download the Holy Bible App and sign up for our blogs to stay connected with the word of God. Praying and tithing are privileges that can bring immense benefits to your life. Today is the day to plant a seed and reap the rewards. Remember, you chose Jesus for forgiveness and to stop losing in life. Embrace the power of faith and start winning today.